Fantasy and Fulfillment

Fantasy - for some, it’s an integral part of their sex life. For others, it’s something which remains  (seemingly) unattainable, to be kept locked away for fear of shame and social stigma. I’ve met countless people who have repressed their erotic desires, pushing them further and further down until they calcify, deep within the unconscious. And I personally feel that is a recipe for disaster. It’s hard to feel truly fulfilled when you aren’t able to draw on that part of yourself, the primal urges which we all have. You can try and push them down, but eventually those urges will come out one way or another - and so I would strongly suggest that if there are fantasies you’ve been dreaming of, you sit down and think about how to make them happen. 

But how do you do that? It isn’t difficult to craft a really hot fantasy, but it does require a little bit of care and thought - as all the best things in life do. I’ve devoted a large part of my life to the realisation of fantasies, both my own and others. I therefore feel qualified to give you some unsolicited advice about how to create a roleplay scene which is coherent but also extremely horny. Because whilst yes, first and foremost I am a pervert, I also have standards. And I want my scenes to have some storyline, and good character development. What can I say, I want to make my English professor proud - but that’s a roleplay story for another time…

As it happens, the key elements of a good fantasy are the same as any good story, so as long as you were paying attention in English class, you’ll be fine. And if not, you’re in luck - because it takes a lot less time and energy to come up with the former, as long as you have a dirty mind. Which I have a suspicion describes many of you. 


First and foremost, you need to identify who is involved in this fantasy, beyond yourself. This can be as simple as defining the nature of the relationship between everyone involved - for example, secretary and boss, doctor and patient etc. - but as with many things in the realm of erotic fantasies, the sky's the limit. The character’s in your fantasy can be as simple or complex as you want. Let’s take a common fantasy - of boss and secretary. I’ve written previously about why the workplace is such a rich source for erotic desires,but let’s dig a bit deeper. What kind of boss are you dreaming of? Are they cruel? Caring?  Desperate? Disinterested? And the secretary - are they a new hire, eager to prove themselves? Or perhaps they’re the one with the power, manipulating a naive CEO to get what they want. 

Some people like to create elaborate backstories for their fantasy personas, which can be extremely hot, but there’s no need to go this far - unless you want to! However, thinking about the characters involved and who they are in a little bit of depth is a great starting point for a deliciously filthy roleplay. 


So, now we know who is involved, we need to know what they’re doing. Again, the scope for detail here is truly endless, but there’s no need to overthink it. Let’s return to our boss/secretary example - it could be as simple as a performance review, where the secretary is being asked to ‘prove’ their worth to the company. 

But equally, the ‘what’ could be a convoluted tale of blackmail, dating back years, where an unscrupulous personal assistant has been secretly keeping tabs on their boss’ extra curricular affairs, with the goal of a full company takeover. 


I always think it’s sensible to keep this one pretty simple, especially as the material reality of this scene might be an uninspiring hotel room - although I will say, it’s much easier to bring something deviant to life in a spacious suite than it is a cramped room with bad lighting!

However, with a little imagination, even the most basic of settings can be transformed. A well placed desk and chair, a change in lighting - they all make a big difference. But in order to work out what needs to happen, you need to know where the action is taking place. Maybe it’s an office, maybe it’s a more domestic setting. You need to set the scene, even if only in your head, so that the cast of characters can fully inhabit their most perverted desires. 


The ‘when’ is, in my opinion, more about a point in the characters’ lives, rather than a historical time period - except in some fantasies where the year might make a big difference. I’ve never been one for Victorian tavern wench roleplays - although I can see the appeal. However, for me, it’s important to think about ‘when’ in terms of what’s happening. To return to our boss/secretary example - perhaps it’s annual review time, or maybe someone’s just been fired. Is it tax season and you can’t pay your tax bill? Giving a sense of time isn’t essential, but again, it can ground a roleplay a little more and make it easier to get into the swing of what’s going on. 


The final ‘W’ in this process, in my opinion, is the most important but often the easiest overlooked. Why are we here, what is the motivation for the characters in this scene? You’ll have touched upon this when thinking about some of the other parts of the scene but having a clear motivation for what’s happening in the roleplay means that when things inevitably go off track a little as everyone gets carried away with lust, there’s a solid ‘why are we doing this’ to fall back on. Getting too horny and can’t remember what you’re meant to say or do next? Just remember that you’re doing this because you’re [jealous/lustful/desperate/happy/overwhelmed] - delete as appropriate. The motivation for a roleplay is what underpins everything, so as long as that stays firmly etched in your brain, everything else can fall away a little…because trust me, when you really get going, it might be ever so slightly harder to stay in character. 

Of course, part of the delight of a really good fantasy is the moment when everything slips away and all you're left with is desperate lust, bodies entwined and breathless satiation. Crafting extremely hot fantasy roleplays is something I’m not only passionate about (pun definitely intended) but I also think I’m pretty good at it after years of perfecting my craft. So if there’s something you’ve been fantasising about, but are unsure about how to bring to life? Get in touch.


Curiosity and Connection